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Developments in five priority areas for VET, agreed in 2015 by the EU-28, Iceland, Norway, candidate countries, the European Commission and EU social partners, are at the centre of this report.

Work in 2015-19 shows continuity with earlier national strategies and initiatives. It confirms the recent focus on apprenticeships and other forms of work-based learning, and increasing attention to widening access to VET and qualifications; these two areas have been reinforced by EU-level policy packages. The report also presents measures taken in VET teacher and trainer professional development, key competence provision, and quality assurance, including actions to make use of information on skills intelligence. Complementing this report, individual country chapters offer more detailed information on national developments. The report offers an overview of the progress made since 2015 and the state of play of VET policies in participating countries at the end of the Riga cycle, pointing out challenges for the future.

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Cedefop (2020). Enhancing European cooperation in VET: outcomes of the Riga cycle: progress in common priorities for 2015-20. Luxembourg: Publications Office. Cedefop reference series, No 115. http://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/79719

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Enhancing European cooperation in VET: outcomes of the Riga cycle

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