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Sustainability is at the heart of Cedefop’s operations and decision-making processes. Our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint and improving our environmental impact is a constant priority. 

Cedefop is committed to:

  • using energy and resources efficiently
  • closely monitoring and reducing waste
  • reducing business travel emissions and organising sustainable events
  • using green public procurement
  • protecting and nurturing biodiversity
  • raising environmental awareness among staff, partners and stakeholders

Climate neutral by 2030, Cedefop’s roadmap

Inspired by both the EU Green Deal ambition to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent in the world by 2050, and the European Commission plans to achieve climate neutrality by 2030, Cedefop embarked on its very own journey towards climate neutrality by 2030. 

In October 2022, we pledged to become climate neutral by 2030. 

Based on a study assessing different footprint reduction scenarios, we developed our climate neutrality strategy and roadmap aiming to:
(a) cut down on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the lowest possible amount; and 
(b) compensate for the remaining unavoidable emissions through carbon removal activities. 

In July 2024, following its participation in the EU Agencies Network (EUAN) Greening subnetwork, Cedefop endorsed the EUAN charter on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and responsible environmental management. The charter lists eleven ‘green’ commitments for the EU agencies.

Sustainability reporting

Following the GRI standard, Cedefop publishes its annual sustainability report: a content index covering economic, governance and environment aspects. 

We have worked closely with the EUAN Performance Development Network and the Working Group on Sustainability Reporting to develop a common approach throughout Agencies. The GRI standard was endorsed as the most suitable for the nature of EU agencies, while it is also the most widely used.
Cedefop implemented a materiality assessment to identify its impacts and the relevant sustainability disclosures it needs to report. The report contains links to information that is publicly available, mainly from our Consolidated Annual Activity Report.