Image influences actions. People’s impressions of other people, events and issues can be positive or negative depending on the image they have. Adult learning and continuing vocational education and training (CVET) are important to Europe’s future prosperity. They are central to enabling adults acquire the knowledge, skills and competences they need to manage changing jobs and lives. They also support employment, competitiveness and innovation.

Cedefop’s opinion survey explored adult’s views on the image and attractiveness of adult learning and CVET, and to understand how this image impacts on participation. It brings new insights into the important issue of participation in adult learning and CVET, which remains persistently below expected levels, despite considerable changes taking place in labour markets. A concern was that people do not participate because they hold adult training and CVET in low esteem.

The survey clearly shows that this is not the case and, at least in general terms, people in all Member States value adult learning and CVET. They regard them as important and associate them with real practical benefits, such as finding a job, career progression and personal development.

The survey is wide, comprising more than 40 000 interviews of a random sample of people aged over 25 in the European Union, Norway and Iceland. The survey fieldwork took place between 20 May and 16 July 2019. Here some of the data covering the main issues are presented. EU averages are for 28 countries, the current EU-27, plus the UK which was part of the EU at the time of the survey.

The survey’s full findings are presented in two volumes; this first volume looks at attitudes towards adult learning and CVET within Member States and across the EU; the second considers the views of different groups within the European adult labour force. The highlights present a narrative and some conclusions drawn from the survey’s findings.