Cedefop’s second opinion survey comprised 40,466 telephone interviews (landline and mobile) of adults, aged 25 and over who live the EU Member States and Iceland and Norway. Interviews were carried out between May and July 2019.  

The survey defines adult learning and CVET as, any learning activities undertaken by adults (whether employed or not) with the intention of improving knowledge or skills.

Image is the perceived value of adult learning and CVET in producing desired outcomes for individuals (such as personal, skill and career development and personal financial situation), society and the economy (such as lower unemployment) and benefits for countries such as (social cohesion). The questionnaire asked about perceptions of the image of adult learning and CVET in relation to delivering these outcomes. It also discussed reasons for participating and not participating; work-organised training activities and the skills respondents need for their current jobs. On this basis the image of adult learning and CVET and its different aspects is constructed.

The target population comprised the adult population (aged 25 and over) living in a private residence in one of the 28 Member States, Iceland or Norway. In addition, they should have lived in the country for the six months prior to the survey, speak the national language(s) well enough to respond to the questionnaire. One person per household was selected for interview. In all countries, dual random digit dialling (RDD) frames were used. Fixed and mobile telephone frames were stratified by region and urbanisation before drawing an equal probability sample from each stratum, to approximate a geographically representative sample.

Further information about the survey methodology can be found in the two publications reporting the survey’s full findings. The first publication presents the findings by Member States and across the EU; the second by different groups within the European adult labour force.