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The role of curriculum in the context of lifelong learning

Curriculum is increasingly seen by stakeholders as a dynamic framework guiding teaching and learning processes and as a steering mechanism for quality. It features in key European policy documents as a new consensus for contributing to Europe 2020, the European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Findings of empirical research widely recognise that curriculum relevance is a condition sine qua non, not only for improving the human capital potential of education and training graduates but also for retaining learners in education and training systems and for promoting lifelong learning. The endemic irrelevance of curriculum may be one of the greatest obstacles to matching education and training provision successfully to learner and labour market needs. Adopting a learning outcomes approach when developing curricula - valuing what a learner knows, understands and is able to do on completion of a learning process - is seen by many policy makers as an effective way to avoid such potential mismatches and promote active learning and inclusive teaching. However, this assumption depends on many factors, including how curricula are being delivered in learning environments.

Cedefop’s work on curricula and learning outcomes

In recent years, Cedefop’s analytical work has increasingly focussed on learning outcome approaches in vocational education and training to design and describe qualifications, to set standards and to influence quality assurance, validation and certification approaches. In 2009, Cedefop organised the 1st International workshop to debate about innovative curriculum policies and practices in Europe and beyond In 2010, a comparative study in nine European countries on learning outcome approaches in VET curricula was published to provide a better understanding of recent curriculum policies and point to main tendencies and challenges in this field. This research is now being expanded in all 32 countries participating in ET 2020 and will continue in the coming years.

Workshops objectives

The workshop will build upon this ongoing research and provide an opportunity for policy makers, researchers and practitioners to reflect on how outcome-oriented approaches to curricula may promote or hinder learner-centeredness and inclusiveness in teaching and learning processes. The workshop will thus address the following main objectives:
  • To examine the implications of current developments in curriculum policies and practices in four levels:

−  The design of curriculum
−  The delivery of curriculum in different learning environments
−  The way learners are assessed, and
−  The benefits for learners

  • To formulate key messages that can usefully support curriculum policy developments at national level.
  • To identify new lines for future research.

The following questions will be debated in the workshop:
−    Does this emphasis on learning outcome approaches to curriculum policies underpinned by socioeconomic pressures change the role of curriculum? How?
−    How current curriculum and assessment policies and practices address the dual role of VET to improve competitiveness and to contribute to social cohesion?
−    What are the strengths and limitations of an outcome oriented approach to curricula to facilitate learner-centeredness and inclusiveness?
−    What evidence exists to show that learners benefit from these new approaches?

The workshop will be carried out based on an interactive approach (world café) allowing participants to share experience and brainstorm on the various issues. The workshop will close with a panel discussion with high level education/training and labour market experts devoted to Putting the views together – A curriculum for all learners.

The conclusions and working reports produced from this workshop, as well as, related publications and notes collected by the participants will be available for download in due time in this website.


Cedefop project manager responsible for this event
Ms Irene Psifidou, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Folder