Title Reporting year Type of instrument Type of entry Level of operation Relevance Year of implementation
Digitalisation Skills grant

This measure aims to increase the digital skills of employees by supporting specific courses related to digitalisation (programming, use of software, etc.). Employees with a max net income of EUR 2 500 and unemployed are eligible for this scheme. No preferential treatment is applied. This scheme supports up to 80% of course fees, up to EUR 5 000, depending on the net income of the beneficiary. There is no opportunity to re-use the scheme.

2020 Grant for individuals Example for a group of instruments Regional Key instrument 2019
Education bonus of the Chamber of Labour of Lower Austria

All members of the Chamber of Labour of Lower Austria can apply for the grant with special treatment for unemployed persons and parents. The eligible activities include training in priority sectors (e.g. health sector), the procedures for recognition of foreign diplomas, the "Berufsreifeprüfung" and the apprenticeship or the preparatory courses for the university of applied science/colleges. The Chamber's co-funding share is 50% of the eligible costs, up to a maximum amount of EUR 220 per year. The unemployed persons and persons on parental leave receive higher co-funding share/maximum amount. There is no limitation to re-use the grant.

2020 Grant for individuals Example for a group of instruments Regional Further instrument 2003
Education voucher of the Chamber of Labour

Members of the Chamber of Labour in Vienna can apply for the grant. The eligible education and training activities include computer and IT courses, job-related courses in the areas of work organisation and work environment, and language courses. The co-funding is fixed with an absolute amount of money (in 2020: EUR 120, EUR 170 for people on parental leave).

2020 Grant for individuals Example for a group of instruments Regional Key instrument 2002
Funding by Economic Promotion of Austrian Bundesländer

All Austrian regions (Bundesländer) have established funding schemes for promoting local companies in the fields such as innovation, export activities, or training. Training is supported either as a stand-alone activity or as a part of a broader initiative, for example, targeting innovation activities. Particular schemes are typically volatile, often available only for a short period, however, consecutive schemes are providing similar types of support for training over time. Currently, there is no comprehensive overview of Austria's local schemes supporting training in companies (in particular on schemes where cofounding of training is embedded in wider support schemes). Specific conditions differ between Bundesländer.

2020 Grant for companies Groups of instruments Regional Key instrument
Funding by the chambers of labour

The regional Chambers of Labour (Arbeiterkammern) provide funding for adult learning in the form of vouchers or grants in various forms. Membership in the Chambers is compulsory for all employees (with the exception of public servants) so that the Chambers' cofounding schemes are widely available. The schemes of the various regional Chambers differ from each other. For example, the Chamber of Lower Austria promotes various courses at different levels. The courses funded include the areas of health, IT, languages and second-chance education. In addition, university studies are encouraged. The Chamber of Tyrol promotes basic computer courses to computer driving licence with cofounding up to EUR 400. In addition, there is support for mainly formal adult education leading to a degree. Funding schemes are changing over time, an overview is available in various databases (for example, in http://www.kursfoerderung.at). There are no statistics available on the various schemes across Austria. The latest available estimate (2006) assumed a volume of up to EUR 3 000 000 for all schemes provided by regional Chambers of Labours.

2020 Grant for individuals Groups of instruments Regional Key instrument 2002
Funding for further education and training of entrepreneurs, managers and specialised workers in Burgenland.

Companies located in Burgenland can apply for the grant with the aim to co-finance training for their employees. Only education and training of professional relevance for the applying companies are eligible. The maximum amount of subsidies that the company may receive in the given fiscal year is EUR 15 000. Co-funding rates are 50% for SMEs, 35% for larger companies. The grant can be used once in each calendar year.

2020 Grant for companies Example for a group of instruments Regional Key instrument 2007
Funding of individual further education by Austrian Bundesländer

The most important grants for adults are provided by the nine Austrian countries (Bundesländer) but in very different forms and approaches. Budgets are defined for a one-year or multi-year period within the circle of legislation of yearly budgets, proposed by the county governments and formally decided by the county parliaments. The implementation of the schemes differs widely. The country of Vienna stands out as an agency with its own legal status is responsible for providing co-funding for adult learning.

2020 Grant for individuals Groups of instruments Regional Key instrument 1995
Impulse Qualification Network

Company networks composed of at least three companies where at least 50% of them are SMEs can apply for the grant. 100% funding is provided for external consulting for building and operating the confederation, identifying training needs and designing training plans, advising on the development of HRD programmes, organising training, providing support during the application process, etc. (10 days of consulting max). Moreover, up to 50% of training costs are provided for men with only compulsory education (ISCED11 0-2), women with an intermediate level of education (ISCED11 3) yet without Higher Education Entrance permission (Matura), and all employees age 45 or older. Beyond training costs, a contribution to the wage costs during participation in training is available. There is no limitation to re-use the grant.

2020 Grant for companies Single instrument National Key instrument 2007
Learning account of Upper Austria

Beneficiaries of this scheme include all types of learners (employees, persons with parental leave benefit, persons on parental leave, marginally employed, unemployed, self-employed, freelancer, academics with a max gross income of EUR 2 700, entrepreneurs with a maximum of 5 employees) as long as they are residents of Upper Austria. The co-funding share is 30% of the costs for training and education, up to EUR 2 000. Professionally oriented further training and re-training are the eligible types of training to be funded. Office of the Upper Austrian government, Department Education and Society, governs, administers, and takes responsibility for the whole scheme.

2020 Grant for individuals Example for a group of instruments Regional Key instrument 1994
Qualification funding for employees

Companies with employees who have only completed compulsory education, an apprenticeship, or a vocational school or are 45 years or older are entitled to apply for the grant to co-fund training activities (for each group there are specific conditions in relation to the training funded). Generally, public co-funding is 50% of the eligible costs up to EUR 10 000 per individual employee. Beyond training costs, a contribution to the wage costs during participation in training is available. For employed (men and women) with only compulsory education, wage subsidies during training are more generous (50% of eligible wages starting with the first hour of training instead of starting after 24 hours of training). Funding is provided by the local branches of the Austrian Pubic Employment Service (AMS), following national rules; however, local differences in cost-sharing formulas are possible. There is no limitation to re-use the grant.

2020 Grant for companies Single instrument National Key instrument 2000
Qualification Initiative - Construction

Companies in the construction sector in Styria can apply for the grant to finance their training costs. Steirische Wirtschaftsförderung (SFG) administrates the measure and decides upon the funding. Grants are usually allocated based on a first-come-first-served basis. Co-funding of the grant is 50% of the eligible costs (i.e., training fees). The eligible education and training activities are listed in a specific programme. The funding is provided from the regional budget. There is no preferential treatment for particular applicants. There is no limitation to re-use the grant.

2020 Grant for companies Example for a group of instruments Regional, Sectoral Further instrument 2003
Skilled Workers' Grant

The scheme provides a wage-replacement payment for workers who have no higher education qualifications during participation in educational programmes selected by the dedicated body (published in a yearly list) for up to three years. Eligible programmes cover a broad range of secondary and post-secondary (mainly vocational) programmes. Support for fees can be also provided, however, coming under different other lines of support provided by the Public Employment Service. The scheme had been implemented as an alternative to the paid educational leave scheme, as the latter had been rarely used by adults starting from a low-skilled position/aiming at an intermediate level of qualification. 100% of eligible costs can be covered. The scheme offers a lump-sum grant as a wage replacement of EUR 30.60 (2020) per day.

2020 Grant for individuals Single instrument National Key instrument 2014
Skilled Workers' Grant

The scheme provides a wage-replacement payment for workers who have no higher education qualifications during participation in educational programmes selected by the dedicated body (published in a yearly list) for up to three years. Eligible programmes cover a broad range of secondary and post-secondary (mainly vocational) programmes. Support for fees can be also provided, however, coming under different other lines of support provided by the Public Employment Service. The scheme had been implemented as an alternative to the paid educational leave scheme, as the latter had been rarely used by adults starting from a low-skilled position/aiming at an intermediate level of qualification. 100% of eligible costs can be covered. The scheme offers a lump-sum grant as a wage replacement of EUR 30.60 (2020) per day.

2020 Grant for individuals Single instrument National Key instrument 2014
Social and further training fund for temporary work Austria

Agencies that offer temporary work are obliged by law to contribute a fixed share of their payroll costs (0.35%) to a training fund and may receive reimbursement of their training costs such as course fees and wage costs. Agencies can receive subsidies up to 200% (occasionally 300%) of their contributions to the fund. However, de minimis regulation applies, limiting large corporations' access to a full reimbursement of their incurred training costs. Current temporary workers can choose among training opportunities free of charge and receive a supplementing wage subsidy in case of entering a PES funded long-term training measure. Former temporary agency workers (currently unemployed) are also eligible for training subsidies. No preferential treatment for particular groups is applied. Only the education and training offered by recognised training providers (as reported in a list of eligible providers) is eligible. It includes programmes leading to a formal vocational qualification and short vocational courses (e.g. related to welding, forklift driving, and many more). The fund is managed by social partners (representatives of employers and employees). The Federal Ministry for Labour, Social Affairs, and Consumer Protection plays a supervisory role.

2020 Training fund Single instrument Sectoral Further instrument 2014
Support for individual course costs

Unemployed, or employed under a certain maximum gross salary may apply for this grant, providing a contribution of up to 100% of course fees. The grant is implemented by regional PES. Individuals have to apply for this grant before starting the course.

2020 Grant for individuals Single instrument National Further instrument 1994
Tax allowable professional expenses (Further Education component)

Adults can deduct costs related to continuing vocational training for their current occupation or a future occupation from the base of their individual income tax. The state co-funding - in the form of foregone tax revenues - equals the eligible costs multiplied by the marginal tax rate (between 20 % and 55 %). Co-funded training is expected to sustain or increase future income, implying higher tax revenues later on. Eligible costs include tuition fees, costs for teaching material and professional literature, related travel and accommodation costs, and the costs of a computer. For the deduction, no ceiling is introduced. Individuals with no taxable income (an annual gross salary below EUR 11 000) cannot profit from the tax deduction. No comprehensive statistical information is available, however, the number of beneficiaries and the volumes of tax refunds are substantial (with an estimated volume of more than EUR 50 000 000). The tax incentive can be used once in each calendar year.

2020 Tax incentive for individuals Single instrument National Key instrument 1988
Training costs refund

Employers and employees have the possibility of establishing a payback clause within limits set by law. The employer and the employee need to agree and sign a written agreement on the payback clause prior to the training. According to the legal framework, training costs are only eligible for reimbursement by the employee if the training increases the earning power of an employee in the labour market. Firm-specific training is therefore excluded. As compensation for employer-provided/financed training, employees can commit themselves to stay in the company for an agreed period or provide compensation for the incurred training costs. According to the Labour Code, the retention period must not exceed 4 years (8 years in specific cases, e.g. very costly training, such as pilot training). Upon an employee's voluntary termination of the employment contract before the agreed period, the employer may recover (part of) the training costs from the employee. The amount to be repaid decreases over time.

2020 Payback clause Single instrument National Further instrument 2006
Training leave/training part-time

Employees can take a leave from 2 to 12 months (within a period of 4 years) for full-time education while receiving a wage replacement payment equal to 55% of the latest net income. Wage replacement payment is also available to employees who pursue part-time education and have their working hours reduced. Employees taking leave have the right to return to their workplace. The employer needs to agree with the leave. Since its last wholesale reform (2007), the training leave scheme has grown into the single most important co-funding scheme in Austria.

2020 Training leave Single instrument National Key instrument 1998
WAFF Training Account

Employees with a monthly net income below EUR 1 800 may receive public contributions to their costs for education and training. The eligible education and training activities have to be relevant for the current occupation of the learner and have to be provided by an approved training provider. The co-funding share is up to 50% of the costs for education and training up to a maximum of EUR 2 000 (for one training). The Vienna Bundesländer agency WAFF manages the measure. The funding is covered from the Budget of Vienna Bundesländer. The grant can be re-used after a break of a particular period. There is no preferential treatment.

2020 Grant for individuals Example for a group of instruments Regional Key instrument 1998