Title Reporting year Type of instrument Type of entry Level of operation Relevance Year of implementation
Entity Financing System

SMEs can apply for this grant covering all types of training available in the Database of Development Services administered by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. Co-funding rates vary from 50% to 80% of the total cost of the service depending on the type of support (voucher, reimbursement of costs). Training programme to be provided to employees or employers is chosen by the employer (in line with company's needs) or in cooperation with consultants from the regional operators.

2020 Grant for companies Single instrument National, Regional Key instrument 2017
Financing the cost of post-graduate studies

Unemployed persons, job seekers, and employees aged 45+ registered in the district job center can apply for the grant to cover the costs of their postgraduate studies (lasting at least 2 semesters). No preferential treatment for a particular eligible group is applied. District job centre can finance up to 100% of the cost of the studies (tuition fees), however, the funding cannot exceed 300% of the average monthly salary. The additional criteria that have to be fulfilled in order to remain the costs for educational activities eligible for co-funding, is a positive final examination. Eligible costs include tuition fees. There is no limitation to re-use the scheme.

2020 Grant for individuals Single instrument National Key instrument 2004
National Training Fund

All organisations which employ at least 1 person (the type of contract is irrelevant) can apply for the grant from the National Training Fund. The eligible education and training activities include certified and non-certified continuing general education and CVET, postgraduate studies as well as exams that certify acquired skills and qualifications. The public co-funding share is 80% of employee training cost (but not exceeding 300% of the average monthly salary). In the case of micro-enterprises, reimbursement covers 100% of the training cost (but not exceeding 300% of the average monthly salary). Tuition fees and other costs related to education and training (such as cost of exams confirming acquired qualifications; physician and/or psychological test; insurance; analysis of training needs of the employer who is applying for the reimbursement) are considered eligible costs. There is no limitation to re-use the scheme.

2020 Grant for companies Single instrument National Key instrument 2014
Payback clause

Employer and employee can agree on a payback clause. The payback clause applies when the employer co-finances training activities for the employee (directly - e.g. covering tuition fees). The employer may oblige the employee to stay in employment for a maximum of 3 years after completing the training. If an employee decides to terminate the employment, he/she must reimburse the costs of the training paid by the employer. All types of training and education relevant to performed work are eligible. (Co)financing to employees' training may include tuition fees, learning materials, travel, and accommodation costs. No government bodies and agencies are involved in the operation of the payback clause in Poland.

2020 Payback clause Single instrument National Further instrument 1989
Reimbursement of training cost - according to the Act of 11 October 2013 on special measures related to the protection of jobs.

Companies facing economic problems and which introduced economic downtime or reduced number of working hours may apply for the grant from the Labour Fund. Any training justified by the present or future needs of the company is eligible. The public co-funding share is up to 80% of employee training costs (but not exceeding 300% of the average monthly salary). There is no preferential treatment. There is no limitation to re-use the scheme.

2020 Grant for companies Single instrument National Further instrument 2013
Training leave

Employees have the right to a short-term paid leave for preparing and sitting exams (6 or 21 days depending on the type of exam/type of education and training). These exams must be related to training taken at the initiative of the employer or with her/his consent. An employee has to prove the attendance in educational activities required by providing the diploma/certificates of graduation. No government bodies and agencies are involved in the operation of training leave in Poland. Employer covers 100% of employees' wages during the training leave (6 or 21 days, depending on the type of training). If agreed (in the contract signed by employer and employee) the employer may cover also the cost of tuition fees, travel, accommodation costs, and learning materials.

2020 Training leave Single instrument National Further instrument 1949
Training loan from the Labour Fund

This training loan is available to the unemployed, job seekers, and employees aged 45+ registered in the district job centre. The loan is fully subsidized (zero interest rate and grace period) by the state (Labour Fund). Since Labour Fund is a public fund, in practice the State does not collect the interest rate from the learner until the loan is repaid. If a learner uses a loan for a purpose other than this specified in a contract or does not start or finish the training programme, the learner is obliged to pay the interest rate (which was up to 3.6% in 2020). The maximum amount of the loan is 400% of the average salary. The loan repayment starts immediately after graduation. The maximum period of the loan repayment is 18 months after completing the training. There is no loan forgiveness. There is no limitation to re-use the loan.

2020 Loan Single instrument National Further instrument 1997
Training voucher

Young unemployed persons (up to 30 years old) registered in the district job center, who prove (show high probability) that after completing the training can find employment or launch their own company can apply for the grant to fund CVT courses. Maximum co-financing from the public resources amounts to an average monthly salary. If the cost of training is higher, the difference has to be covered by the learner. Tuition fees and other costs related to training (travel costs; physician and/or psychological test, if necessary; accommodation, if training takes place outside the place of living of the unemployed) are considered eligible costs. There is no limitation to re-use the grant.

2020 Grant for individuals Single instrument National Key instrument 2014