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This publication contributes to better understanding of vocational education and training (VET) in France and how it operates within the socioeconomic context. It provides an overview of key characteristics, system developments and challenges.

Lifelong learning aims to secure access to training, skills for jobs and social advancement. A main feature is that State-issued vocational qualifications can be acquired in initial education but also in apprenticeship and through continuing training that makes it easier to progress at an individual pace.

The State caters for the under-18 low-qualified and promotes adult learning through an individual training credits system and common quality standards for nationally recognised qualifications. Social partner involvement in regulatory and financial aspects of national lifelong learning policies is another key aspect, as is the role of the regions, implementing territorial continuing training and career guidance schemes and national job support policies.

France’s response to challenges, including those caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, aims at more jobs for young people studying and working and increased investment in education and training towards the digital and green transitions and social resilience.

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Cedefop (2022). Vocational education and training in France: short description. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. http://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/204196


Vocational education and training in France

EN 10.32 MB

Enseignement et formation professionnels en France

FR 10.06 MB

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