Cedefop’s CrowdLearn is the first study to examine how EU workers in the online platform economy develop their skills, and how these platforms match skills supply with demand, with a view to drawing lessons for European skills and education policy. Insights into what skills gig workers learn and need to be successful in the online gig economy can provide lessons for how to make vocational education and training more relevant to trends in the future of work, such as increasing reliance on self-employment, multiple jobs, contingent work, virtual remote work and algorithmic management.

Cedefop’s webinar 2030 on the horizon: skills in the online platform economy presented recent research and analysis findings based on Cedefop’s unique Crowdlearn project and reflected on their implications for European skills and education policy. In the context of the growth, sustainability and resilience ambitions of the European Skills Agenda and European Digital Strategy, Cedefop’s Crowdlearn findings can inform evidence-based policies on the future of work.

The webinar:

  • showcased the main results of Cedefop’s Crowdlearn studies to policy analysts, researchers, platform economy stakeholders and social partners.
  • presented recent research and analysis using the Crowdlearn dataset(s), focused on the determinants of workplace learning among platform workers, factors determining who is successful in remote platform work and why, relationship of platform work with self-employment and entrepreneurship potential and inter-generational barriers to learning.
  • featured a panel discussion with policy makers and social partners to explore how to improve skill development and matching policies for platform work.
  • disseminated the Crowdlearn dataset and stimulated further research and analysis.

The event was live streamed, click here to watch the video. 



Anoush Margaryan

Anoush Margaryan is a Chaired Professor of Learning Sciences in the Department of Digitalization at Copenhagen Business School. She studies how people learn in digitally mediated workplaces.

She has researched workplace learning for 20+ years in a range of organisational domains, including in the energy, finance and higher education sectors and the platform economy.

Vili Lehdonvirta

Vili Lehdonvirta is Professor of Economic Sociology and Digital Social Research at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford.

He is a former member of the European Commission’s Expert Group on the Online Platform Economy and the High-Level Expert Group on Digital Transformation and EU Labour Markets.

Konstantinos Pouliakas

Konstantinos Pouliakas is an Expert on Skills and Labour Markets at the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop). He is coordinator of Cedefop’s Skills and Work team and leads Cedefop’s projects on Digitalisation, AI and the Future of Work and Anticipating and Matching skills.

photo Nicholas MartindaleNicholas Martindale

Nick Martindale is a Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow in Sociology at Nuffield College, University of Oxford, and Postdoctoral Researcher at Copenhagen Business School.

photo Jelena Sapic resizedJelena Sapic

Jelena Sapic works as a project manager of the Reshaping Work Dialogue. The Dialogue represents a collaborative effort with an aim to create a permanent knowledge interlocutor where parties with the stake in the debate on the future of work can engage in a constructive dialogue, exchange views, negotiate positions, and propose new solutions.

Iwona Ganko

Iwona Ganko is a Human Capital Development and Labour Market Expert at the European Training Foundation in Turin. She focuses on socio-economic and employment trends, new skills demand and skills dimension of active labour market policies.

photo Annarosa PesoleAnnarosa Pesole

Annarosa Pesole is the economic and technology adviser of the Italian Minister of Labour and Social Policies and a former scientific officer at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission. Her main research interests cover innovation and technology and their impact on labour market and society at large.

Julian Albert

Julian is a fourth-year doctoral student at the Oxford Internet Institute interested in the sociology of markets, in particular the classification of labour on online freelancing platforms. His research is supervised by Prof Vili Lehdonvirta as well as Prof Marc Ventresca.

Antonio Ranieri

Antonio Ranieri is Head of Department for VET and Skills at Cedefop. He manages a team of European experts investigating skills trends and changes in the worlds of work and support the development and implementation of the Union policy in the field of vocational education and training. The Department work encompasses a wide range of research and policy analysis in two Cedefop strategic areas of operation, namely skills and labour market and learning and employability.

Jasper Van Loo

Dr. Jasper van Loo is coordinator of Cedefop’s department for VET and Skills. He currently coordinates the labour market and skills analysis work of the agency. He is also part of the team investigating EU skills trends using online job vacancies.

Event details

Event Date(s)
Event Type
virtual event
Open event
Cedefop involvement


Agenda Crowdlearn conference


Crowdwork platforms as restrictive-expansive learning sites (A. Margaryan)


Can labour market digitalization increase social mobility? (N. Martindale, V. Lehdonvirta)


Hybrid(solo)self employment and upskilling? (K. Pouliakas, A. Ranieri)


CrowdLearn Skills in online platform work (K. Pouliakas)


Platform-certified: on the role of badges in online labour markets (J. Albert)



Konstantinos Pouliakas
Béatrice Herpin