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Career guidance and counselling are key features of comprehensive strategies aiming to reduce early leaving from education and training. They may assist students, not only in terms of decision-making but also in managing their transitions within education and training pathways or from education to employment.

Minimising the risks of either insufficient information or unrealistic expectations, career guidance and counselling may support learners in making informed decisions based on their interests, talents, and future job aspirations, as well as preventing dropout and early leaving. For those who have left education and training early, career guidance and counselling may assist them to return to, and qualify in, upper secondary education. This paper examines how national policies and practices in career guidance and counselling in EU Member States may support learners at risk and early leavers from education and training. It identifies common patterns and existing information gaps, and sets out future prospects.

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Psifidou, I. et al. (2022). Minimising early leaving from vocational education and training in Europe: career guidance and counselling as auxiliary levers. Luxembourg: Publications Office. Cedefop working paper, No 11. http://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/75320

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Minimising early leaving from vocational education and training in Europe

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