
Cedefop will host the fifth Policy learning forum on apprenticeships at Cedefop’s premises in Thessaloniki, on Wednesday 2 October 2024 (in-person event).

The forum is only open to the members of Cedefop’s Management Board, i.e. representatives of governments, employer and employee organisations. It will be held ahead of Cedefop’s Management Board meeting.

As part of the series of Cedefop’s PLFs on apprenticeships, the overall objective of the 2024 PLF is to offer participants the possibility of peer learning, by sharing knowledge and reflecting on the experience of various countries.

The 2024 PLF is focused on the importance and the role of social dialogue in apprenticeships.

It will be an opportunity for peer learning in relation to (a) how social dialogue can help better shape apprenticeship programmes in line with labour market needs; and (b) how it can contribute to attracting apprentices and therefore ensuring a qualified future workforce.

The forum will combine plenary presentations, roundtable discussions, a closing panel and a structured networking session.

The agenda will be available in July 2024. Preparation material will be shared in September 2024.

The PLF presentations and a summary of the discussions will be shared after the forum.

Examples of the topics discussed in previous PLFs:


The 2024 annual meeting of the Cedefop Community of apprenticeship experts will take place at Cedefop’s premises in Thessaloniki on Wednesday 23 October 2024 (in-person event).

The meeting is only open to members of the Cedefop Community of apprenticeship experts.

During the meeting, apprenticeship experts will have an opportunity to:

  • share information on their work on apprenticeships and learn from one another;
  • discuss the preliminary findings of the 2024 Community activity on the use of incentives in apprenticeships;
  • explore potential ways to analyse and promote the topic further;
  • present their suggestions for future Community activities.

Exact duration to be confirmed. The agenda and preparation material will be shared in due course.


The virtual workshop will provide an opportunity for policy-makers, stakeholders, experts and researchers to discuss the initial findings of the project on VET excellence and inclusion.

Its aim will be to deepen Cedefop’s understanding of the challenges facing European vocational education and training (VET) in the coming decades. Discussions will focus on the concept exploration and inclusion in national VET objectives. The workshop complements the ongoing political discussion on the future of European VET.

A workshop will be organised by Cedefop to discuss the progress of EU27+ countries in implementing the Council Recommendation on VET and the Osnabruck Declaration.

A workshop will be organised by Cedefop to discuss the progress of EU27+ countries in implementing the Council Recommendation on VET and the Osnabruck Declaration.

Participants will discuss and validate Cedefop’s findings from national stakeholder interviews (conducted in April – July 2024) in combination with the analysis of the measures reported by ReferNet in line with countries national implementation plans. Selected stakeholders, European and national, including those interviewed, will take part.

Among the issues, the participants will discuss how stakeholders assess the progress of their countries, differences in perceptions, main obstacles to achieve the priorities and areas to work on in the future. The outcomes will feed into preparation of the synthesis report and developing policy pointers on areas to work in the future.

Cedefop is very pleased to announce the Eighth CareersNet annual meeting and related activities for the network on 13 and 14 November 2024 at Paviljonki Conference Centre, Lutakonaukio 12, in Jyväskylä (Finland). In partnership with the national Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment...

Cedefop is very pleased to announce the Eighth CareersNet annual meeting and related activities for the network on 13 and 14 November 2024 at Paviljonki Conference Centre, Lutakonaukio 12, in Jyväskylä (Finland). In partnership with the national Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, and kindly hosted by the University of Jyväskylä, the meeting this year,  attended by core network experts, will take place in person at the same venue and concurrently with the IAEVG international conference - Riding the Waves of Change, which is held from 12 to 14 November 2024.

CareersNet (coordinated at the Department of VET and Skills (DVS), managed within the Lifelong guidance project) will convene this year to discuss national systems and practice developments in lifelong guidance in the context of current labour market and societal changes at large with implications for EU and national policy. Topics also include CareersNet news and network issues, as well as Cedefop work activity since last year’s meeting, and plans and possibilities for the year ahead.

The meeting will allow for mutual learning, reflection, and exchange, contributing to the network’s think-tank value and capacity building function in the field of lifelong guidance. The agenda will also provide an opportunity to learn about the lifelong guidance system in Finland, while enjoying the local environment.

The meeting has restricted participation.

The 22nd ReferNet annual plenary meeting will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece and will welcome new partners under the 2024-27 framework partnership agreement, as well as national representatives of the network and representatives from the European Commission (EU) and the  European Trai...

The 22nd ReferNet annual plenary meeting will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece and will welcome new partners under the 2024-27 framework partnership agreement, as well as national representatives of the network and representatives from the European Commission (EU) and the  European Training Foundation (ETF).

The event will have a central thematic on “20th Years together” aiming to celebrate the anniversary of the 2024 enlargement of the EU with the accession of 10 additional countries. On 1 May 2004, 20 years ago, our European family grew bigger.

The citizens of Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia became citizens of the EU. Overnight, our Union became a greater political, economic and cultural entity, stretching from Tallinn to Lisbon, from Valletta to Stockholm, from Dublin to Nicosia. Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia’s accession a few years later has made our Union even stronger.

The aim of the meeting is to:

  • induct the newcomers, introduce them to the tools available, and provide assistance;
  • inform partners of the latest EU policy developments on VET, skills and qualifications;
  • take stock of the work carried out in 2024 and the outcomes published and disseminated;
  • prepare the 2025 work plan: VET policy reporting, Spotlight, news, visibility actions, etc.;
  • foster partnership and knowledge-sharing through interactive (joint) presentations of national developments, debates, etc.;
  • hold individual meetings for deeper cooperation among members and between members and Cedefop experts.
  • reinstall a physical network dynamic of cooperation and shared reflection by convening in a physical open space, which will encourage creative reflection on how partners would like ReferNet to develop in the 2024-27 period.

Participants will also have an opportunity to exchange good dissemination practices in a dedicated space where they can display their national publications, newsletters, videos, promotional items, etc and benefit from a rich social and cultural program.

20 years from the 2004 enlargement of the EU

At this workshop, Cedefop and external experts will present cutting-edge research on the impact of the digital transition on skill mismatches in EU labour markets. Policies to prepare the EU workforce for an artificially intelligent future of work will also be discussed. The workshop will mainly use unique data from Cedefo...

At this workshop, Cedefop and external experts will present cutting-edge research on the impact of the digital transition on skill mismatches in EU labour markets. Policies to prepare the EU workforce for an artificially intelligent future of work will also be discussed. The workshop will mainly use unique data from Cedefop’s second European skills and jobs survey.

Recent improvements in autonomous digital technologies, such as fast developments in generative artificial intelligence (AI), can markedly affect skill demand in workplaces and foster skill mismatches. Technological change can substitute human capital, resulting in automation and job loss, but it can also contribute to mainly high-skilled work, augmenting labour and improving job quality.

Policy debate has recently been calling for a ‘human-centred’ technological change; yet further research is needed on how new digital technologies may have negative or positive labour market outcomes for workers, and on how they may interact with their job tasks, upskilling needs and overall job quality. Greater focus should also be placed on the relationship between digitalisation and worker upskilling/reskilling needs, and on how these may be governed by different forms of work organisation. Deeper understanding of the interaction between technology adoption in workplaces, (algorithmic) management practices and investment in workers’ continuing skill development may assist in the design of a human-capital-friendly regulatory framework.

This Cedefop workshop will focus on investigating underlying factors of different forms of joined agency between humans and technology, and how these may differ across various workplace environments with diverse human resource management practices. Understanding the conditions under which different digital technologies may have positive or negative implications for workers’ upskilling and skills matching outcomes is a key aim of the workshop. To achieve it, experts will present new evidence, mainly but not exclusively based on data from Cedefop’s second European skills and jobs survey (ESJS2) microdata.

The workshop will be organised around the following themes:

  • How do (new) digital technologies interact with human capital and what factors determine if there is complementarity or substitutability of technology for skills?
  • How do (new) digital technologies increase or  reduce workers’ skilling needs?
  • How is the effect of digitalisation on the labour market mediated by different job-skill requirements and alternative forms of work organisation?
  • What types of skill mismatches are associated with the adoption of new digital technologies in workplaces?
  • How does the adoption of digital technologies in firms interact with their human resource management and skill utilisation strategies?
  • What drivers and policies may influence workers’ participation in education and training activities to cope with new digital technologies?

The keynote lecture will be given by Professor Chris Warhurst, Director of Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick.

Participation in the event will be by invitation only to a limited number of interested individuals and to authors of accepted papers from the following call for submissions.

Call for papers

If you are interested to submit a research paper for the workshop, please fill in the following EUSurvey link.

Deadline for submission: 31 July 2024

A notification of accepted papers to Cedefop’s workshop will be sent by: 16 September 2024

Both papers that use Cedefop’s ESJS2 microdata and papers that use other relevant data sets are welcome to be submitted to the workshop.

Submitted papers should have a length of about 15-30 pages (including bibliography and annexes). They should be structured around the following sections: Introduction, Literature Review, Data, Empirical Methodology, Policy recommendations/Conclusions, Bibliography, Annexes.

Submitted papers may be considered for publication, if authors wish and grant approval, in a special issue of Cedefop’s working paper series (light peer-review), and/or a special issue of the Journal of Education and Work (regular peer-review).  These special issues are expected to be published in the second half of 2025.

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Closing date